Finding Out If A Guardianship Is Right For You
Having to take care of an elderly parent or a disabled family member can be a difficult, taxing proposition. However, it can become even more stressful if you don’t have the full legal authority to do so. In these instances, establishing a guardianship may allow you to better care for your loved ones.
At Miller Flannery Law LLC, we’ve helped clients in Dearborn County establish guardianships in order to make medical and financial decisions for those who are unable to do so.
Helping You Help Others
A legal guardian is generally a chosen or court-appointed individual who takes care of the large-scale decisions for another person.
There are various types of guardianships, including:
- An adult guardianship, in which an elderly person with no current estate plan needs assistance. This generally occurs during an emergency such as a medical event.
- Guardianship of a minor, in which grandparents or other individuals who are raising the children need the capacity to make financial decisions. This often occurs when the birth parents are no longer in the picture.
- Guardianship of a disabled individual. Typically, this is necessary for disabled adults who are going to continue to need help, but can also apply to incapacitated or elderly individuals.
Two of the main types of guardianships are testamentary and temporary, and some are limited only to emergencies. Our attorneys can hear your situation and help you determine the best path forward.
Contact Miller Flannery Law LLC For A Complimentary Consultation
With an office in Lawrenceburg, Miller Flannery Law LLC serves clients in Dearborn County and throughout southeast Indiana. For a free discussion about your case with one of our skilled lawyers, call us at 812-496-3666, or send us an email.